General details
Telephone number: +86 (21) 3210 4669 (International)
Customer support:
Extranet help: -
New hotel Live process:
Contact business team and send activation request with the below information:
- Hotel Name.
- Hotel Ctrip Code (You don't have to fill it out if the hotel doesn't have it).
- Contact Person
- 1-way or 2-way connection.
When you receive a confirmation reply from Ctrip, please start the mapping work.
Once all data has been uploaded please inform Ctrip: this hotel is then open for sales via the CM.
Existing customer with Ctrip
Each region has it's own direct contact. Please speak to SmartHOTEL to get the email address.
Who provides what?
The PIN code is the hotel code provided by Ctrip. The XML credentials are generic. Please request these credentials from the SmartHOTEL support team.
On Ctrip, actual room types do not exist. You need to create the rate plans as room types and the rate categories as rate plans. The rate plan provided by Ctrip contains the room description and a description of what type of rate it could be (breakfast included, advanced purchase, non-refundable). The various occupancies are also created with separate room IDs.
Rate codes
The Boarding type must be set up on the rate code to send the breakfast element in the rate message.
Useful Info.
Bookable until?
365 days (officially no limit, however, data sending is limited to a year)
How far in advance can data be sent?
365 days
Credit Card details
Other information:
- Ctrip has the restriction type FPLOS which we don’t
- Children are not supported in the reservations, only adults
- Rate can be rounded by Ctrip depending on currency: 1111,11 = 1111,00 / 888,88 = 889,00
- No mapping to the extreme applies as there is no extra information provided by Ctrip
- No timestamp provided in the cancellations so server time is used. Reservations have Beijing time, they are translated into UTC.
<Errors><Error Type="3" ShortText="No Match Found" Code="425">The rateplancode and the hotel doesn't match.</Error>
<Errors><Error Type="3" ShortText="Invalid Start/End Date Combination" Code="404">Can’t change availability beyond the time span, you can contact Ctrip.</Error>
<Warning Type="3" ShortText="Payment Type Invalid " Code="163">Mismatched payment type. The rate is updated according to the payment type set in Ctrip system, if any question please contact Ctrip.</Warning>