
General details
Office address: Esentepe Mahallesi Haberler Sokak No:12-14
Postal code: 34394
City: Istanbul
Country: Turkey



What details to provide to PMS partner

The hotelier needs to contact Protel to establish the connection between Protel and SmartHOTEL.

Protel will provide us with the rooms and rates to create in SmartHOTEL.

Activate the Barboon PMS within the hotel settings and give the hotelID to Protel.

With this information the connection should be established.

Useful Information.

When a reservation coming from Smarthotel or created from Barboon IBE , you can see the resevation in Barboon extranet as below.

Click the "Show Credit Card" button on right top , another screen is opening like this.

The hotelier puts the verification code which is provided by email , credit card details will be visible for a short period of time.