
General details
Office address:   2nd Floor, Gate House, Fretherne Road
Postal code: AL8 6RD
City: Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
Country: United Kingdom



The connection can be requested by the hotel and Hi Hostel towards SmartHOTEL or the other way around. In case SmartHOTEL are to request a connection an e-mail should be sent to their support team


Only Pincode is required which is the HIH hotel id. This can be provided by the hotel as well as the OTA.


Hostelling International distinguishes between Dorms & private rooms.

In dorms, individual beds can be booked and private rooms can only be booked as room.

In SmartHOTEL you see internal mapping. You can only map 1 rate code per room code. Hostelling International does not work with rate codes (only room codes), so all reservations are automatically delivered to the mapped rate code under a roomcode.

Ensure the capacity matches in the following places:

SmartHOTEL room set up

SmartHOTEL mapping settings

Hostelling International extranet

Besides the usual mapping in SmartHOTEL, mapping needs to be done at the Hostelling International extranet

  • Click on products
  • Click on the MyHostelREf

  • Tick the interface box and fill in the room id from SmartHOTEL under Interface id

Useful Info.

Delivery or prices

HIH pulls the rates & availability from us so refresh tool does not work

When a guest searches for a hotel at the site they first get a calendar with the price for the highest occupancy for that room type. These prices are retrieved via the first inventory response Hi Hostel does with SmartHOTEL.

Afterwards the customer will select a number of rooms and the number of guests they want to stay with. Hi Hostel will now show the real price for that occupancy which they retrieve with SmartHOTEL via an availability response


When both a bed and a private room is booked in a single reservation these will be delivered as separate reservations by Hi Hostel
