
General details
Office address: One Central Park
Postal code: Dublin 18
City: Leopardstown
Country: Ireland
Telephone number: +353 1 4980721
Customer support: +353 1 4980721

Extranet help: -


PLEASE NOTE: Connections to Hostelworld is only available for hotels using the Bed Types Functionality

An existing customer on channel:

When a hotel wants to connect Hostelworld, please contact the account manager of the hostel.

A new customer on channel

New customers can send an email to Hostelworld with the request to sign up.
With this email please mention that they also request the connection to SmartHOTEL.

Example switch email

Subject: Connect hotel XXX to Hostelworld for SmartHOTEL Channel Manager

Dear Hostelworld channel support,

Can you please activate the following property on XML for Hostelworld:

Property name:

Hostelworld ID:

Thank you.

Kind regards,


They will respond in 48 hours.


Who provides what

You will receive two codes from Hostelword, one hotelID which you fill at the PIN code and one Password which you fill in at the password screen.

Please be aware that you need to fill in the username with anything random. HSW or something is okay.


The rooms and rates from Hostelworld state exactly what is required. For example, a 4-bed private room will need mapping to the Quad column and a single bed in a 4-Bed will need mapping to the Standard column of the bed type.

With rooms with 2 beds, we will map the Standard Column but the price being sent is 1/2 the price (i.e per person).

The below example XML has a room rate of 95.00 for two people.

-<roomtype id="xxxxx">
<!--Default mapping -> RoomType : , RateCode : RO-->
<rate rateplanid="xxxxx" start="2020-05-13" end="2020-05-13" days="3">47.50</rate>

Useful Info.

Guest deposit

Guests pay a deposit of 15% on the Hostelworld website. Should the hotel wish to receive the rates less the pre-paid amount, please adjust the CRO settings as required.


Open/Close restrictions set the availability to 0 in Hostelworld.

MinLOS needs to be set in the Hostelworld extranet.


Hostelworld delivers reservations as per bed pricing, meaning hoteliers needed to calculate the price of the room themselves.

Since 09/08/2022 SmartHOTEL will start calculating room reservations for you, so you will receive the room price rather than the bed price. We will multiply the bed price with the number of people in a room. Because we are making calculations for a third party, it could be that prices are not as expected, therefore you will receive the following comment with every booking:

‘Because the booking site provided rates per day, the total per room was calculated based on those values and may not be accurate.’

Reservations for Beds will be delivered as per bed pricing.


Incorrect beds for Private room type

The occupancy of the room needs to match the occupancy of the room in Hostelworld.

For example, a 5 Bed Room in Hostelworld will need to be mapped to a room with Occupancy 5 in the Channel Manager.