General details
Office address: Wittington House, Henley Road, Medmenham
Postal code: SL7 2EB
City: Marlow
Country: United Kingdom



Supported Connections

SmartHOTEL supports both G2 and G3 versions of IdeaS.

Switch & Credentials

The hotelier needs to contact their IdeaS account manager to establish the connection between the RMS and SmartHOTEL.

The following should be provided to IdeaS.

  • Hotel Code
  • Room Codes
  • Rate code

IdeaS will use the same credentials for all properties, please ask SmartHOTEL for the information.

Other information.

Messages should be sent as asynch

Rates are sent on a single rate plan.  IdeaS will send Single, Double and Extra Person prices

Supported data

»  Rate Updates (base rate only)
»  Restriction updates (MinLOS only)

Additional connection possibilities

The above guide is based on a direct connection into SmartHOTEL but there are two other possible connections for hotels using Ideas.

Via the PMS

IdeaS sends the rates and decision files into the PMS and the PMS sends the rates and restrictions to SmartHOTEL via the PMS interface


IdeaS sends the rates and decision files into SmartCONNECT RMS and SmartCONNECT will interface with the PMS and Channel Manager.