
General details
Office address: Völckersstraße 7-9
Postal code: 04109
City: Hamburg
Country: Germany
Telephone number: +49 341 650 500
Customer support:



An existing customer on channel

The hotel may contact the Account Management team.

They will need to provide Kurz Mal Weg with the following information: Hotel name, location, number of rooms, contact person and contact details.

In the Kurz Mal Weg extranet it is possible to see what channel manager is selected


A new customer on channel

In case the hotel is interested in a collaboration with Kurz Mal Weg, they may contact the Account Management team.

They need the following information: Hotel name, location, number of rooms, contact person and contact details.


Who provides what?

The hotel ID needs to be set up in the PIN Code field. The Hotel ID can be found by logging in to the extranet (in front of the hotel name).


Even though no rate messages will be sent, mapping all rates is essential to deliver restriction messages to Kurz Mal Weg and to retrieve reservations on the proper rate code.

It is not possible for Kurz Mal Weg to create derived rate codes and deliver the reservations for all packages on 1 rate code.

Useful Info.

Bookable until?

No End date

How far in advance can data be sent?

No End date

Reservations Pick up/ Push cycle?

Reservations are picked up every 10 minutes


  • Breakfast type needs to be set up in the rate configuration
  • Open/Close and CTA/CTD are stored in one database field. Therefore these restrictions cannot be set in combination with each other and will overwrite each other.
  • No prices are sent to Kurz Mal Weg.

Credit Card details 

Credit card details are not provided via the connection.
