
* Piccotello will check what details are modified and process those modifications automatically in the PMS

** Piccotello will automatically remove the reservation from the PMS.

General details
Office address: Brouwerij 4h
Postal code: 1185 XX
City: Amstelveen
Country: Netherlands
Telephone number: +31 (0)88 1304400



What details to provide to PMS partner

  • Whitelabel id
  • PMS username
  • PMS password
  • Id’s of the main rooms
    • Id’s of the virtual rooms doesn’t have to be provided. SmartHOTEL will deliver reservations of the virtual rooms to the id of the main room
  • Id’s of the rate types

Piccotello has to activate the reservation pick up separately. Once confirmed this is done the tickbox “use pms interface” can be ticked.

Useful Information.

Rate management

Picotello has introduced rate management. When a property uses this module, prices and restrictions can be sent from Picotello. When they do not use this module, only availability is supported via this connection.

This version does not support child pricing