
General details
Office address: Office5434, PO Box 6945
Postal code: W1A 6US
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone number: +44 203 051 66 62
Customer support:

Extranet help: -


An existing customer on channel

A request needs to be sent to Prestigia by email to enable the property on the Channel Manager SmartHOTEL.

A new customer on channel

Go to the Prestigia website and fill in the contact form at “Add your hotel”:

After the request to join is received the contracting department of Prestigia will decide if the hotel is allowed to be part of their website. When this is approved the extranet will be activated and data will be loaded. After completion, the hotel will be published and is available for guest to book. If the property knows in advance that they will use SmartHOTEL as Channel Manager, they can indicate this straight away.


The switch to the Channel Manager is done very quickly. Once the request is sent to the appropriate email address a response and switch the same day can be expected.


Who provides what

Extranet and XML credentials are the same and are provided by Prestigia to the property. The PIN can be found on the extranet of Prestigia:



Prestigia does not support multiple rates, rooms are set up as rates. Therefore virtual rooms can be set up.


See rooms.


Useful Info.

Bookable until?

Guests can book 15 months ahead.

How far in advance can data be sent?

Data can send 15 months ahead

Reservations Pick up/ Push cycle?

Reservations are picked up every 10 minutes.

In the reservation, a “paid amount” is sent by Presigia. This amount is already paid by the guest to Prestigia and will be displayed in the comments on the pdf and send as a comment to the PMS.


- Multiple rates are only supported as separate room types.

- The restriction CTA is available however in case this is not visible in the extranet of Prestigia, this can be enabled on request.

- Maximum length of stay and closed to departure is not supported.

- Credit card information is not provided in the XML of the reservation however is provided on the extranet of Prestigia  (depening on the extranet user rights):
