
General details
Office address: Junostraat 21/bus 2
Postal code: 2600
City: Antwerpen
Country: Belgium
Telephone number: +32 3 547 02 10


Useful Information.

Resengo is a reservation system for restaurants.

The flow

  • Reservation is made via Paxxio and arrives SmartHOTEL extranet and the forwarded to SmartCONNECT
  • SmartCONNECT sends a request towards Resengo to request whether there is a timeslot for the booked date(s). This is the IFC request with destination 81 in SmartCONNECT
  • Resengo replies with either a success response or either an error. The two most common errors are:
    • "Error 22004 - PhoneNumber must start with 0 or +." - A phone number for Resengo always needs to start with a + or a 0. If this is not the case the reservation will be declined and will have to be put in manually.
    • "We received '[]'" - This indicates that there is no availability in Resengo and this happens when the arrival date is more than 3 months in advance. Resengo only offers availability 3 months in advance.

Hotels are not informed automatically about the errors being returned by Resengo.

Other information & exceptions

  • Comments within the reservation are also delivered towards Resengo. Within the comments it is also mentioned which roomcode & ratecode are booked
  • The connection only works for reservations made via Paxxio
  • The connection does not differentiate per rateplan. Every reservation from Paxxio is forwarded to Resengo. So all rateplans need to have a dinner included.
  • The connection does not work for reservations with 2 meals included (e.g. lunch & dinner)

The setup

Activate Resengo under interfaces in SmartCONNECT

Under the shield the following 2 codes need to be filled in under the key separated by a |

The first id is the company id from Resengo and the second id is the evencategoryid