
General details
Office address: Clarendon House, 147 London Road
Postal code: KT2 6NH
City: Kington upon Thames
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone number: +44 208 974 7200
Customer support: +44 208 974 7422



An existing customer on channel

Hotel needs to log on to the Travel Republic extranet and add the applicable channel in the “Channel Managers” screen. This will take effect immediately.

  • SmartHOTEL properties = Smarthotels
  • myfidelio properties = Micros

A new customer on channel

Hotel needs to log on to the Travel Republic extranet and add the applicable channel in the “Channel Managers” screen. This will take effect immediately.


The hotel ID needs to be set as pin code in the Credentials tab.

Who provides what

Hotel sends the properties establishment ID to support. This can be found in the right upper corner of the extranet.



Multiple rooms can be mapped.
No occupancy based pricing is supported.


Maximum one rate can be uploaded.

The second rate should be set as ‘no R&A update’. Board inclusion will be calculated and configured on the extranet of Travel Republic.  If multiple rates need to be connected you need to work with virtual rooms. See screenshot below for example.

Useful Info.

Bookable until?

Rates can be loaded until 3 years in advance

Reservations Pick up/ Push cycle?

Reservations will be picked up by the channel manager


Maximum one rate can be uploaded, other rates are calculated with board types on the Travel Republic extranet. You will see these extra rates in the mapping screen and you will be able to map them, as reservations will be delivered on these rate codes. In order to make sure that no updates are sent, the rate base should be set to ‘No R&A Update’ in the back office.



Restrictions are sent on Room Level

Booking Policies

Booking policies are set up within the Room Set up section in the Dnata extranet


Credit card details can be found within the arrivals report on the Dnata Extranet.
