
General details

Partner name: Freetime Hospitality
Office address: Bouwerij 4h
Postal code: 1185 XX
City: Amstelveen
Country: Netherlands
Telephone number: 003188 130 44 00



What details to provide to PMS partner

The property needs to contact their account manager, to request the switch to SmartHOTEL.

VIPS will provide us with the room and rate codes of the property to create in SmartHOTEL.
SmartHOTEL will reply with the whitelabelID and hotelID of the same property.
After this, VIPS will do a full synchronisation of the data to SmartHOTEL.

Additional Information.

Supported functionality

Inventory, Rates & restrictions are supported when they use VIPSX
When the hotel uses VIPS6 only availability & reservation retrieval are supported