
General details
Office address: Munsterstaat 20
Postal code: NL-7418 EV
City: Deventer
Country: The Netherlands
Telephone number: +31 570 742022
Customer support: +31 88 130 4406

Website: /


An existing customer on channel:

This can be requested by the hotelier via

A new customer on channel:

This can be requested by hotelier via


Within a week


Who provides what

Please provide with the hotels White Label ID and Hotel ID. Then the PIN Code will be the Hotel ID


Useful Info.

Bookable until?

Day of arrival

How far in advance can data be sent?

Four years in advance, but will only be visible in the back office

Credit Card details

No credit card details are visible, at the booking site it isn’t requested either.


A reservation can be put on hold by Voordeeluitjes before it will be pushed to SmartHOTEL. This can happen, for example, because the guest places a special request which has to be checked by the service centre of Voordeeluitjes.

In some cases, it can happen that the reservation is then pushed to SmartHOTEL more than 24 hours after the actual book date. Therefore those Reservations cannot be picked up by the PMS anymore but will be sent by failover e-mail to the hotel right away

Voordeeluitjes will check the availability of the arrival date.  If the arrival date is available then a booking can be made, irrespective of whether subsequent nights are closed.

Other information

One room code can be mapped to multiple rooms in the channel manager

9 out of 10 times the rates do not need to be filled in since they have a set rate in the extranet of the OTA. When sending the rates, they won’t be overwritten. When the property agreed with Voordeeluitjes that prices will be sent from the channel manager, please note that the prices need to be entered per person per package.

Only the standard use column needs to be mapped.

Voordeeluitjes is specialized in packages. They seldom sell ‘’standard’’
