About shohelpguide

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So far shohelpguide has created 5 blog entries.

Update version 2.1.3

Preparations have been made that will allow the set-up of bed types within rooms in the channel manager. These can be used for instance on hostel oriented OTAs and will also be made available for certain PMS connections. The following pages are affected; OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ OTA_HotelBookingRuleNotifRQ Next to this, our warnings & error section is [...]

Update version 2.1.32017-10-05T07:54:59+00:00

Update version 2.1.2

In this post, we would like to share the latest changes and additions to our API. In version 2.1.2 we have added a new feature. In the OTA_ReadRQ we added the feature that whether the virtual IDs should be sent back as is or converted to their base room IDs. The info can be found on [...]

Update version 2.1.22021-06-23T10:10:29+00:00

Version 2.1.1.

In this post, we would like to share the latest changes and additions to our API. In version 2.1.1 we have added some minor changes Endpoints We have updated the endpoints for reservations. Each request (ResNotifRQ, ResModifyNotiRQ & CancelRQ) now has it's own dedicated endpoints. The new endpoints can be found on this page. POS [...]


Version 2.1

In this post, we would like to share the latest changes and additions to our API. in version 2.1 we have added some new features: Services Throughout the API we have added the possibility to retrieve configured services from our API for both OBE and PMS specifications. For the OTA specifications we added the possibility [...]

Version 2.12017-10-05T07:50:24+00:00

Version 2.0

Welcome to the new SmartHOTEL API platform. With this new platform we provide you with all necessary information to create an XML connection between your system and SmartHOTEL. Whether you are a PMS, an OTA or an OBE, all necessary information is here. And if not; please contact us to see what we can do [...]

Version 2.02017-10-05T07:49:39+00:00

Contact us:

Address: Einsteinstraat 5,
2811 EP Reeuwijk, the Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)182 75 11 18
Email: support@smarthotel.nl

Office hours: Monday – Friday from 08.00 till 21.00 CET

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